Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nuovo Inizio in Tuscany :)

Ciao ciao ciao!!
We are finally here! :)

Nuovo Inizio ("noo oh voh een-eets-ee-oh"), means "new start" or "new beginning," and that's exactly what it has felt like for the past week-ish, as I've moved to Italy.

I feel like I have so many stories to tell, so much to say, but it kind of overwhelms me to try to fit it all into words. SO - I added a ton of pictures, because the old expression says, "A picture is worth 1000 words" --- so I pray with all my heart that you'll be able to enjoy seeing the sights of the Tuscan countryside and experience a little of what I did this past 3 days.

We got into Rome on Monday, 9/15, and throughout that first week, we worked on a lot of administrative & "settling in" details.

On Sunday 9/21, my teammates & I boarded a train for the countryside in Tuscany. We got to the "Fattoria" (Italian for "farm"), and spent then till today (Wednesday), with new staff members for Agape Italia in all different cities around Italy. Some of the National Staff members were there, and it was so great to meet them and other missionaries in different cities to share how the Lord has brought us together, to move to Italy, to share the love and hope of Jesus with these beautiful people.

PLEASE feel free to email me if you want more stories or more details--- I'd love to answer any and all of the questions you have--- I just feel weird about writing all of you a novel for right now. I'll get better at this whole blogging thing as I continually work on processing this whole transition, and trying to be a much more concise writer. :)

I'll leave you with a quote, and then my pictures --- again, please email me if you'd like to chat further. With much love, Ella :)

A 08-09 Rome STINT team tradition: The Piramide. :)

My lovely teammates! Front row: Kanda, Jenny, Kerry, April.
Back row: Jimmy, Sam, Ella, Chris, Brian

Look at this cute little mister with whiskers! :) Some of us called him "Shadow," and others, "Spooky," but either way, this friendly barn cat was our friend all week long. :) Here is Jimmy showing much love to our precious little friend. :)

The cook for the entire conference (Barbara), agreed to stay a whole hour after her shift was supposed to be over, to help us learn how to make a few Tuscan dishes. She taught us how to make a traditional Tuscan lasagna-- not with the Bolognese meat sauce, but with the Tuscan meat sauce (Tuscans use Olive Oil, not butter... because Tuscany is in the South of Italy where the Olive trees are plentiful-- where they aren't in the North so the people of Bologna use butter in their meat sauce.) Anyway, this woman was a sweet friend and I couldn't understand much of what she said (as she spoke in all Italian), but she did show us how to make a great Lasagna, as well as a spaghetti dish and a steak dish. Delicious! :)

A beautiful pink rose in our backyard :)

Olive trees are fascinating. :)

A lovely fence post and some plants. I wish I knew what kind they were!

What we looked at in the backyard behind la Fattoria. I can't believe how lovely it was!

La piscina = the pool. :) WAY too cold to get in --- but pretty still, to look at. :)

The back of la Fattoria!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Praise the LORD! I am at 100% of my total support needs!!!

THANK YOU to everyone who stepped out in faith to make this possible. Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support. I am so excited to have you on my support team this next year, as together, we reach Italian students with the love and hope of Jesus! :)

A few weeks ago, missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ going to 27 countries all over the world were brought to Copper Mountain, Colorado for training and briefing. One night, my teammates and I got to go to Vail for a little bit to have fun and see the sights of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Aren't they lovely? :) We even woke up one morning to see SNOW (haha yes even in August!) covering the surrounding mountains at Copper Mtn. Even the Colorado natives on the news channels were saying that the amount of snow that fell in the area was "a little abnormal"! :)

My teammates and I had a wonderful time at training. I just love 'em to pieces!

Praise the Lord for a wonderful time in Colorado!