Saturday, December 5, 2009

So Encouraging!

Recently, Lauren & I went to Noemi's apartment to have dinner with her, her fiancee (Emanuele), and another friend (Giuseppe). Noemi and Emanuele are both Christians, and they are getting married in June. Noemi has been a believer for a while, and so has Emanuele, who spent time in England last year, studying at a seminary there. It was incredibly encouraging to spend time together with an Italian couple who is my age, super-fun, and also are believers. Noemi and Emanuele made us fresh basil pesto-- and we had different kinds of Italian cheeses with different types of honey for dessert. It was a beautiful evening spent with friends, and I wanted to share these pictures with you so you could see their sweet faces and be encouraged by our brother & sister in Christ--- Emanuele & Noemi! :)

Please pray for them-- that the Lord would continue to give them a desire to follow Him and share the love & hope that they have with other Italians!

The fresh pesto!

Emanuele, using a knife to slice pieces of cheese off the block. What a fun & fancy dessert! :)

Lauren, Noemi, & me. What a lovely evening with sweet friends!

Decorating our little Roman apartment :)

I wanted to share some pictures with you from our Christmas decorating time (on Monday, November 30th). It was a sweet evening where all 6 of us who live in our little Roman apartment could spend time together, decorate, drink homemade hot chocolate, and finish the evening by watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Enjoy the snapshots--- and Merry Christmas! :)
Here's almost all of us! (Lauren, Lauren, Courtney, me, Becca)-- with Jenny taking the photo!--- as we put the lights on the tree :)

Courtney & I with a little ornament :)

What it looked like the other night when I spent time listening to Christmas music and journaling by candlelight/treelight!! Oh how I love this season! :)

Christmas decorations make our little home even MORE homey! :)

the Roman sky takes over

I walked home from campus last week and the sky was BREATHTAKING. It was such a sweet time of praying and meeting with the Lord---- I wanted to share the sky with you! :)

Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork."

More pictures from our Thanksgiving Outreach :)

Thanks for praying for our Thanksgiving Outreach on Saturday, November 28. It was a sweet time--- with 4 turkeys, tons of trimmings, and about 70 Italian friends! Enjoy these pictures from the event!
I made a big sign for the party-- and here is my roommate & teammate Lauren, posing with me. :)

More art projects-- Italian friends with "hand turkeys"-- they thought this was hilarious! :)

Becca and I-- being "Mary" and "Sarah" - pilgrim wives in our skit that a few of us performed for all our friends. :)

A group of our friends-- I love candid shots! :)

Steve (on the right) having a conversation with 3 Italian guys about what thankfulness means... and who/what they are thankful for.

Thank you for being part of this ministry!! :) Your partnership means so much to me-- and all of us!-- in this city!

A Farewell

Our friend Lucia recently graduated from La Sapienza University (below is a picture of the central part of this university.)

Lucia just graduated with a degree in biology; she is moving to Holland to be with her boyfriend (who is also Italian but he lives there). She was a good friend of ours last year, and has been processing the Gospel with us for over a year. We love her so much and want her to have a personal relationship with her Creator who loves her dearly. Would you please join me in praying for Lucia-- that God would send believers into her life, even in Holland, and that she'd continue to take steps toward knowing Jesus? (Below is a picture of me and some other girls who work with Agape as we met with Lucia on her last day at the university to say goodbye to her.)
back row: Beth Ann & Jenny
front row: Courtney, me, Lucia, Amy

Thank you for praying!