Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rome meets Narnia

Do you know C.S. Lewis' masterpiece series of books-- The Chronicles of Narnia? I had an "Ah-ha!" moment the other day as I was thinking about how I feel in this season of ministry. Please read the following excerpt from Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe:
"Here we are, Mrs Beaver," said Mr Beaver, "I've found them. Here are the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve" -- and they all went in.
The first thing Lucy noticed as she went in was a burring sound, and the first thing she saw was a kind-looking old she-beaver sitting in the corner with a thread in her mouth working busily at her sewing machine, and it was from it that the sound came. She stopped her work and got up as soon as the children came in.
"So you've come at last!" she said, holding out both her wrinkled old paws. "At last! To think that ever I should live to see this day! The potatoes are boiling and the kettle's singing and I daresay, Mr Beaver, you'll get us some fish."
In the story, Mrs. Beaver was very excited to see the four human children because there were no humans left in Narnia; they had been experiencing the terrible White Witch's winter for a long, long time. They were longing for springtime, 4 humans to sit on the thrones of Narnia & end the Witch's reign, and for Aslan (the lion) to return and make all things well. To see the 4 children in Narnia was quite the sight for the Beavers-- they had been enduring the terrible winter of Narnia and longing for that day to come for a very long time.

Above is Circo Massimo- a large, ancient race track. My missional teammates and I used to go there every Wednesday and pray for the Lord to connect us with believers-- we prayed that people would come to know Jesus and that He would also connect us with people who already had a relationship with Him & we could help these believers grow in their faith, and also challenge them to see their friends, family, classmates, etc. as their very own mission field. All that to say, last year, we didn't know very many believers.

However, my "Ah-ha!" moment came when I realized that I feel exactly like Mrs. Beaver did in the story, when she said, "So you've come at last!" she said, holding out both her wrinkled old paws." At last! To think that ever I should live to see this day!" I shocked and awed that the Lord has provided us with BELIEVERS... the Lord is continuing, in His steadfast faithfulness, to bring people toward Himself, as people from the nation of Italy are "glad and sing for joy" (Ps. 67:4) at the transformative beauty of a relationship with God through Christ Jesus.

Thank you for rejoicing with me, and please pray for the following people we know who walk with Jesus... that "the LORD would bless them and keep them; that He would make His face to shine upon them and be gracious unto them; and that He would lift up His countenance upon them and give them peace" (Num. 6:24-26).

Luca, & Maria



Paolo (on left)


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It takes me... it takes you.

Click here. Please watch this.

This is the newest video that our staff team has created to talk about what is going on in Rome now, and also the vision we have for what we are trusting the Lord with in the next three years.

God is moving in Rome.

We are praying, every day, for Him to transform, redeem, and restore the people of this city.

Please join us in praying...
For Romans.
For more laborers to come alongside us.
In asking God what He would have *you* do to continue being a part of what He is doing in this city.

Know that I am praying for you, too.